The Mindful Merchant

Shop – Eat – Live – Mindfully

Interesting information August 14, 2009

Filed under: health warning,heath and safety,toxic — MindfulMerchant @ 9:35 am
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Here is an excellent site that is a safety guide for cosmetics and other every day products.  Warning – it’s informative, but very scary to see what we aresmallbanner2009[1] really slapping on our skin.  Check out the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Data Base.

A good place to start is the Health/Toxic  and check out the Skin Deep: Cosmetic Data Base section.   Go ahead and plug in the makeup, perfume, or deodorant you commonly use. If you are feeling brave, try looking up the shampoo or soap you use on your children. They rate each product by toxicity level, 10 being the worst a 0 is the safest. Make sure you give yourself time to really surf around the site and get ready to be surprised. My biggest shock was the fact that many of the “healthy”, organic or environmentally friendly things I have been using scored just as high (if not higher in some cases) as popular/generic products. I was under the impression that if something was marketed as natural or organic it meant safe. Not so! I hope this website gives you more information and helps in you with future purchases.

